Submitted Videos Contest 4
with the ripening seed-pod on the tip moves down and soon after that movement is finished, the seed-pot facing down to the soil opens and seeds are released without sticking to the gluey plant. Due to the fact that the mainly annual plants (except Byblis
Generated on Sep 07, 2010.
All Session WINNERS
CONTEST #1 GRAND PRIZE WINNER Fertile Eyes, Author: Ela Lamblin - VIEW VIDEO FOUR FIRST PRIZE WINNERS fantastic vesicle traffic, Author: Daniel von Wangenheim, 1st prize technical - VIEW VIDEO La Bloomba, Author: Kris Holmes,
Generated on Aug 31, 2010.
Submitted Videos Contest 3
amet, whether axillary or terminal, bracts and scales are partially fused, they are peltate or flat, in which each scale produce from 2 to 9 seeds Pinaceae Luis Roberto Perez Marcelin General Summary of video content: Description from
Generated on Apr 20, 2010.
Submitted Videos - Contest 2
snap-tentacles, yellow light reflecting lens-headed tentacles and other adaptations to make as much prey as possible, and to produce seeds even under bad conditions. Our film shows several pictures of these species that have never been shown before. Additional
Generated on Jan 09, 2010.
ChloroFilms Session 1 WINNERS
GRAND PRIZE WINNER Fertile Eyes, Author: Ela Lamblin - VIEW VIDEO FOUR FIRST PRIZE WINNERS fantastic vesicle traffic, Author: Daniel von Wangenheim, 1st prize technical - VIEW VIDEO La Bloomba, Author: Kris Holmes, 1st prize
Generated on May 13, 2009.
Wild Oats
Wild oat (Avena fatua) seeds are burying themselves in soil.
Generated on Apr 16, 2009.
Natural priming
enhance the seed potential in relation to the range and uniformity of germination. Priming consists in a controlled imbibition of seeds in order to improve some metabolic events without germination to be completed. In the soil seed bank, seeds are exposed
Generated on Apr 12, 2009.
generation of plants. A suitable narration was blended with music and digital art to show the important processes that can occur during seeds germination, flower and seed production. Time-lapse photography was used to show growth and development during germination
Generated on Apr 12, 2009.
fantastic vesicle traffic
within the cells, they are tagged with the Green Fluorescent Protein. The video shows the germination of Arabidopsis thaliana seeds, zooming in on the root hairs, which display movement of fluorescent vesicles through the cytoplasm, and finally one can see
Generated on Apr 12, 2009.
Submitted Videos
ChloroFilms plant biology videos entered and submitted on YouTube. Check back frequently as more will be added. Fastest Flights in Nature Wild Oats
Generated on Feb 18, 2009.